Discover the Wonderful Journey of Writing: How to Find Your Writing Style and Voice

Discover the Wonderful Journey of Writing: How to Find Your Writing Style and Voice

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When I first tried to write, my writing was very poor.

My writing is chaotic, my thoughts are disordered, I seem to have no clue, and I have no literary style at all.

However, I did not give up because of this, but decided to keep trying and slowly improve my writing level.

At first, I just wrote some simple articles, such as diaries or mood essays, without too high requirements.

However, when I started to read some excellent works and learn some writing skills, my writing level also slowly improved.

I learned how to organize the structure of the article, how to use adjectives and adverbs to express emotions, how to use metaphors and symbols to enhance the expressiveness of words, and how to use rhetorical techniques to enhance the persuasiveness of arguments.

However, although I have learned many writing skills, I still encounter various difficulties. Sometimes, I will encounter a bottleneck in writing and feel that I can’t write any more. At this time, I will pause, think about my writing direction, or do some other things, such as reading, traveling, etc. , to free your mind.

On the other hand, I also realize that writing is a process of constant trying and honing.

As the American novelist Alison Rudman said: "Writing is trying repeatedly, failing, and trying again until you find your own voice."

I deeply understand the importance of this sentence. Only by constantly trying and honing can one truly find one's own writing style and voice.

In addition, I also learned to have the courage to express my unique ideas and insights.

As the American writer Leonard Cohen said:

"A writer's responsibility is not only to describe the world, but also to change the world."

Writing is not only to express one's own emotions and ideas, but also a force to influence the world. Only by having the courage to share your own insights can you find your own unique style and have a profound impact on readers.

Finally, I would like to say that trying to write is a process that requires patience and perseverance.

As the British novelist James Baldwin said: "Writing is like running a marathon, not a sprint."

Successful writers are often those who can persevere, keep trying, and keep honing themselves.

Only by making continuous efforts can we write truly excellent works.

Therefore, I will continue to work hard, constantly try and hone my writing skills, and have the courage to share my thoughts and opinions.

I hope that one day I can become an excellent writer, express my thoughts and emotions through words, and share my thoughts with readers. have a profound impact.

In short, writing is a process that requires constant trial and development.

Only when you have the courage to express your own unique ideas and insights can you find your own writing style and voice.

Finally, I would like to quote a sentence from the American writer John Steinbeck as the end: "Writing is not to make you rich, but to enrich your heart."

I believe that as long as I persist, I can enrich my heart, Find your own voice and make a deeper impact on your readers.

When start writing, the most important step is to determine what you want to express. There are several questions you can ask yourself to help you determine this, such as:

1.What emotion or thought am I trying to express?

2.Who is my target audience?

What reaction am I trying to elicit among them?

3.What topic am I going to write about?

How important is this topic to me and my readers?

Once you have identified what you want to express and your purpose, then you can start thinking about the structure of your essay.

You may consider using an outline or sketch to help you organize your ideas and content.

For example, if you are writing an article about travel, you can start by listing the topics you want to discuss, such as choosing a destination, travel costs, transportation options, accommodation arrangements, and so on.

You can then arrange these topics into some logical order, such as chronologically or by importance. Finally, you can further subdivide these topics into paragraphs and identify topic and supporting sentences for each paragraph.

This ideation process can help you determine what you want to express and organize it, which will better help you start writing.

To sum up, writing is a process that requires constant trial and practice.

Only by having the courage to express your own unique ideas and insights can you find your own writing style and voice. In the process of writing, it is very important to determine the content and purpose of what you want to express, and to conceive the structure of the article. Finally, we need to constantly try and hone our writing skills, and have the courage to share our thoughts and insights in order to become an excellent writer and have a profound impact on readers.

I believe that as long as we persevere, we will be able to enrich our hearts, find our own voice, and finally achieve the purpose of writing.

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